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Citro-Zee is a high-quality, all-natural vitamin C supplement that supports bone health and overall wellness. This product contains a powerful blend of vitamin C tablets, Calcium Carbonate, and Vitamin D3, which work together to provide several benefits for your body. Strong antioxidants like vitamin C save your body from dangerous free radicals. It also plays a crucial role in collagen production, essential for maintaining healthy skin, hair, and nails. Combined with Calcium Carbonate and Vitamin D3, Vitamin C also helps promote bone strength. Calcium carbonate tablets are essential for bone health, as it provides the building blocks for strong and healthy bones. It also helps to maintain healthy teeth and supports muscle function. Vitamin D3 is a fat-soluble vitamin that is crucial to bone health. These vitamins for bones help to regulate calcium and phosphorus levels in the body, which are essential for maintaining strong bones. Vitamin D3 is also crucial for supporting immune function and promoting overall wellness. Which vitamin benefits bones the most? Calcium is necessary for your body to maintain strong, dense bones. Your bones may become frail and brittle if you have low bone density. Even when there isn’t a clear injury, these fragile bones are more prone to breaking. Your body can better absorb calcium with vitamin D. What symptoms indicate a vitamin C deficiency? Anorexia and irritability are the first symptoms of vitamin C deficiency after 8 to 12 weeks of low intake. Following these first symptoms are dermatological findings such as poor wound healing, swelling of the gingiva with tooth loss, mucocutaneous petechial, ecchymosis, and hyperkeratosis. Does vitamin C promote the formation of bones? Collagen is the building block of bone mineralization, and vitamin C is crucial for its production. Increased vitamin C levels have been linked in studies to higher bone density.

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By Alena Studio - November 25, 2017

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